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The disk routines

This subroutine stores the Interrupt Flip Flop of the Z80 and returns with interrupts
disabled. Whenever the DISCiPLE needs the interrupts to be disabled with disk operations
the status of the IFF (DI or EI) is stored. When the disk operation is finished the IFF
is restored to the state it was in before the interrupts were disabled.
NOTE: As a result of a bug in the Z80 itself the stored state of the IFF can be wrong if
interrupts are enabled. The problem occurs when an interrupt is accepted (implying:
interrupts enabled) during the execution of the 'LD A,R' or 'LD A,I' instruction. A
solution to this problem is a second test if the IFF indicates  interrupts disabled.
With a Spectrum it is unlikely that two interrupts follow each other within a very short
time, so a second test should cure the problem. A better method can be found in the
'Zilog Z80 Family Data Book'. The best method is replacing the Z80 with a CMOS version,
the bug has been fixed in that Z80 type.

2ECF            LD   A,I                 Set the P/V flag according to the state
2ED1            PUSH AF                  of the IFF2.
2ED2            DI
2ED3            EX   (SP),HL             Get the Flag register in L while saving
2ED4            LD   (#1ACC),HL          Store it. (IFF)
2ED7            POP  HL                  Restore HL and AF.
2ED8            POP  AF
2ED9            RET                      Finished.

This subroutine restores the interrupt state to the original state (DI or EI) (see NOTE

2EDA REST_IFF   PUSH AF                  Save the contents of the needed
2EDB            PUSH HL                  registers.
2EDC            LD   HL,(#1ACC)          Fetch the previous IFF state.
2EDF            EX   (SP),HL             Restore HL and store IFF state.
2EE0            POP  AF                  The IFF state is now contained in the
                                         P/V flag.
2EE1            JP   PO,#2EE5,REST_IFF1  Jump if interrupts were disabled.
2EE4            EI                       Otherwise enable interrupts.
2EE6            RET                      Finished.

This subroutine is called before a write command is send to the Floppy Disk Controller
(FDC). Its task is to enable write precompensation on the inner tracks to get a more
reliable working of the data transfers. On entry C holds the FDC command.

2EE7 PRECOMP    LD   A,(#1DDA)           Fetch current control port state.
2EEA            AND  #04                 Write precompensation isn't needed when
2EEC            JR   NZ,#2F01,PRECOMP_2  using single density, so skip the
                                         following routine when using SD.
2EEE            LD   B,64                Start write precomp. at track 64.
2EF0            CALL #333B,DRV_CAP       Get drive capacity in A.
2EF3            AND  #7F                 Keep only the number of tracks.
2EF5            CP   80
2EF7            JR   Z,#2EFB,PRECOMP_1   Jump if drive has 80 tracks.
2EF9            SRL  B                   Otherwise precomp. starts at track 32.
2EFB PRECOMP_1  LD   A,D                 Fetch current track.
2EFC            AND  B
2EFD            JR   Z,#2F01,PRECOMP_2   Jump if not at tracks above 63 or 31.
2EFF            RES  1,C                 Otherwise enable write precompensation
                                         (reset bit 1 of the command).
2F01 PRECOMP_2  JP   #3085,LD_COM_REG    Give the command to the FDC.

This subroutine writes the contents of the data buffer to sector E on track D.

2F04 WSAD       XOR  A                   Reset retry counter.
2F05            LD   (#1DDB),A
2F08 WSAD_1     CALL #2FAC,SET_TRKSEC    Select drive, side, density and sector
                                         and position the head above the correct
2F0B            LD   C,%10100010         Write a single sector, enable spin-up
                                         sequence, no settling delay, disable
                                         precompensation, normal data mark.
2F0D            CALL #2EE7,PRECOMP       Enable precompensation when neccesary and
                                         give the command to the FDC.
2F10            CALL #37C3,HL_BUFFER     Make HL point to the data buffer.
2F13            CALL #2F1F,WR_OP         Write the sector.
2F16            CALL #2F94,SECTOR_ERR    Check if there was an error, report it
                                         when retried often enough.
2F19            RET  Z                   Exit with no errors.
2F1A            CALL #2FF8,WRONGTRACK    Check if head is above correct track.
2F1D            JR   #2F08,WSAD_1        Try again if no succes.

This subroutine handles the actual saving of a sector. It keeps sending a byte at a
time to the FDC as long as it asks for one (sector length doesn't matter).

2F1F WR_OP      CALL #2ECE,STORE_IFF     Store maskable interrupt state and
                                         disable maskable interrupts.
2F22            LD   BC,219              BC holds the I/O port address of the
                                         data register of the FDC.
2F25            JR   #2F2A,WR_TST_DRQ    Jump into the save loop.

2F27 WR_LOOP    OUTI                     Send a byte to the FDC (port BC) then
                                         increment HL (and decrement B).
2F29            NOP                      Waste some time.
2F2A WR_TST_DRQ IN   A,(27)              Fetch FDC status.
2F2C            BIT  1,A                 Test Data ReQuest bit.
2F2E            JR   NZ,#2F27,WR_LOOP    Jump if FDC requests a byte.
2F30            IN   A,(27)              Otherwise fetch FDC status again.
2F32            BIT  1,A
2F34            JR   NZ,#2F27,WR_LOOP    Jump if FDC requests a byte.
2F36            IN   A,(27)
2F38            BIT  1,A
2F3A            JR   NZ,#2F27,WR_LOOP
2F3C            IN   A,(27)
2F3E            BIT  1,A
2F40            JR   NZ,#2F27,WR_LOOP
2F42            BIT  0,A                 Test Busy bit.
2F44            JR   NZ,#2F2A,WR_TST_DRQ Repeat until FDC is ready.
2F46            CALL #2EDA,REST_IFF      Restore the interrupt state.
2F49            BIT  6,A                 Test Write Protected bit.
2F4B            RET  Z                   Return if not write protected.
2F4C            JP   #294E,REP_23        Otherwise give 'Disc WRITE protected'

This subroutine loads the contents of the data buffer from sector E on track D.

2F4F RSAD       XOR  A                   Clear retry counter.
2F50            LD   (#1DDB),A
2F53 RSAD_1     CALL #2FAC,SET_TRKSEC    Set drive, side, density, sector and
                                         position the head above the correct
2F56            LD   C,%10000000         Read a single sector, enable spin-up
                                         sequence, no settling delay.
2F58            CALL #3085,LD_COM_REG    Give the command to the FDC.
2F5B            CALL #37C3,HL_BUFFER     Make HL point to the data buffer.
2F5E            CALL #2F6A,RD_OP         Read the sector.
2F61            CALL #2F94,SECTOR_ERR    Check if there was an error, report it
                                         when retried often enough.
2F64            RET  Z                   Exit with no errors.
2F65            CALL #2FF8,WRONGTRACK    Check if head is above correct track.
2F68            JR   #2F53,RSAD_1        Try again if no succes.

This subroutine handles the actual loading of a sector. It keeps fetching a byte at a
time from the FDC as long as it asks to get one (sector length doesn't matter).

2F6A RD_OP      CALL #2ECE,STORE_IFF     Store the maskable interrupt state and
                                         disable interrupts.
2F6D            LD   BC,219              I/O address of the FDCs data register.
2F70            JR   #2F75,RD_TST_DRQ    Jump into the load loop.

2F72 RD_LOOP    INI                      Get a byte from the FDC and increment
                                         HL (and decrement B).
2F74            NOP                      Wait for a moment.
2F75 RD_TST_DRQ IN   A,(27)              Fetch FDC status.
2F77            BIT  1,A                 Test Data ReQuest bit.
2F79            JR   NZ,#2F72,RD_LOOP    Jump if FDC has read a byte.
2F7B            IN   A,(27)              Otherwise fetch FDC status again.
2F7D            BIT  1,A
2F7F            JR   NZ,#2F72,RD_LOOP    Jump if FDC has read a byte.
2F81            IN   A,(27)
2F83            BIT  1,A
2F85            JR   NZ,#2F72,RD_LOOP
2F87            IN   A,(27)
2F89            BIT  1,A
2F8B            JR   NZ,#2F72,RD_LOOP
2F8D            BIT  0,A                 Test Busy bit.
2F8F            JR   NZ,#2F75,RD_TST_DRQ Repeat until FDC is ready.
2F91            JP   #2EDA,REST_IFF      Restore interrupt state and exit.

This subroutine checks if the FDC reported an error, on entry A holds the FDC status
byte. If there wasn't one HL points to the start of the data buffer and the RPT is
reset, a return is made with the Zero flag set. If there was an error a return is made
with the Zero flag reset unless ten retries have been made, then an error is reported.

2F94 SECTOR_ERR AND  %00011100           Mask the non error bits.
2F96            JR   NZ,#2F9F,SEC_ERR1   Jump with an error.
2F98            CALL #37E7,RES_RPT       Otherwise reset the data buffer pointer
2F9B            CALL #37C3,HL_BUFFER     Make HL point to the data buffer.
2F9E            RET  Z                   Return with Zero flag set (always set
2F9F SEC_ERR1   LD   A,(#1DDB)
2FA2            INC  A                   Increment the retry counter.
2FA3            LD   (#1DDB),A
2FA6            CP   10                  If 10 retries have been made 'SECTOR
2FA8            RET  NZ                  error' is given, else exit with Zero
2FA9            JP   #2928,REP_4         reset.

This subroutine is used to select the required drive, side, density, sector to be
handled and to position the drive head above the required track.
Note I: The routine starts with a test if DE=0, but when the ROM is paged in high
(System loaded) the DISCiPLE will crash on the 'CALL #0408' (which ends in the RAM
located 'END OF STATEMENT' routine) whenever DE is 0. It seems that this part of the
routine is from an earlier ROM version.
Note II: The head is moved relative to the current position (fetched from the FDCs
track register), when the drive selected is not the same as the previous one the
DISCiPLE can get confused.

2FAD            OR   E
2FAE            JR   NZ,#2FBB,SET_TRK1   Jump if DE<>0.
2FB0            CALL #0408,TEST_         Test the .. flag.
2FB3            JP   Z,#2956,REP_27      Give 'END of file' error when reset.
2FB6            LD   SP,(#0296)          Otherwise clear the machine stack.
2FBA            RET

2FBB SET_TRK1   CALL #30B3,SET_DRVSD     Select drive, side and density.
2FBE            LD   A,E                 Store the required sector number into
2FBF            OUT  (155),A             the FDC's sector register.
2FC1            CALL #3B17,FLASH_BORD    Change the border colour when wanted.
2FC4 SET_TRK2   LD   A,D                 Track to A.
2FC5            AND  #7F                 Mask highest bit which indicates side.
2FC7            LD   B,A
2FC8            CALL #3067,FDC_READY     Wait until FDC is ready, test BREAK.
2FCB            IN   A,(91)              Fetch contents of FDC's track register.
2FCD            CP   B                   Compare against required track.
2FCE            RET  Z                   Exit if already on right track.
2FCF            PUSH BC
2FD0            LD   C,%01111000         Step-out, update track register,
                                         disable spin-up sequence, no verify,
                                         step rate 6 ms.
2FD2            JR   NC,#2FD6,SET_TRK3   Jump if required track lies outside
                                         (more towards track 0) current track.
2FD4            LD   C,%01011000         Step-in, update track register, disable
                                         spin-up sequence, no verify,
                                         step rate 6 ms.
2FD6 SET_TRK3   CALL #3085,LD_COM_REG    Execute the command, move one track.
2FD9            CALL #3067,FDC_READY     Wait until FDC is ready, test BREAK.
2FDC            IN   A,(91)              Fetch current track again.
2FDE            POP  BC
2FDF            CP   B                   Compare with required track.
2FE0            RET  Z                   Exit if required track reached.
2FE1            CALL #2FE6,STEP_DELAY    Wait for the number of msec's specified
2FE4            JR   #2FC4,SET_TRK2      by (STPRAT) before giving a next step.

This subroutine does the waiting between the executing of two step commands. By
altering the value of the (STPRAT) system variabele (POKE @3,n) the time being waited
can be altered. There is no reason, except for drive specs, why (STPRAT) couldn't be
POKEd to any value below 6 as stated in the DISCiPLE manual.

2FE6 STEP_DELAY LD   A,(#029B)           Fetch (STPRAT).
2FE9            AND  A
2FEA STEP_D1    RET  Z                   Exit if 'msec-counter' reaches zero.
2FEC            LD   BC,135              With this value the following loop
                                         takes 3505 T states (about 1msec) to
2FF0            LD   A,B
2FF1            OR   C
2FF2            JR   NZ,#2FEF,WAIT_1M1   Repeat until counter reaches zero.
2FF4            POP  AF
2FF5            DEC  A                   Decrease 'msec-counter'.
2FF6            JR   #2FEA,STEP_D1

This subroutine checks whether the head is above the right track. The current track
number is found by reading the ID Field of the first encountered sector on this track.
The track number is then stored into the track register of the FDC. When no ID Field
can be found the retry counter is incremented, when this reaches 5 the other density
is selected and when it reaches 10 the 'FORMAT data lost' error is given.

2FF8 WRONGTRACK LD   C,%11001000         Read Address, disable spinup, no delay.
2FFA            CALL #3085,LD_COM_REG    Execute the command.
2FFD            LD   HL,#1DDC            Address where the ID Field is loaded.
3000            CALL #2F6A,RD_OP         Get the six byte ID Field of the first
                                         sector encountered.
3003            AND  %00011100
3005            JR   NZ,#300D,WRONGT_1   Jump if there was an error.
3007            LD   A,(#1DDC)           Otherwise store the current track
300A            OUT  (91),A              number into the FDC's track register.
300C            RET

300D WRONGT_1   LD   A,(#1DDB)
3010            INC  A                   Increment retry counter.
3011            LD   (#1DDB),A
3014            CP   5
3016            JR   NZ,#3025,WRONGT_2   Jump if it hasn't reached 5.
3018            LD   A,(#1DDA)           Otherwise fetch current control port
301B            XOR  #04                 status and invert Density bit.
301D            LD   (#1DDA),A
3020            OUT  (31),A              Set other density.
3022            LD   A,(#1DDB)           Fetch retry counter
3025 WRONGT_2   CP   10
3027            JR   NZ,#2FF8,WRONGTRACK Retry if it hasn't reached 10.
3029            JP   #292A,REP_5         Otherwise 'FORMAT data lost' is given.

This subroutine resets the head of the current drive to track 0. It has two entry
points, the first is used by the ROM located routines, while the second (at #3030) is
used by the 'REST' command code (code 64 or #40). After the head has been resetted, a
test is made whether there is a disk in the drive.
NOTE: This test fails for 3½" drives.

302C TRACK_0    LD   B,1                 Wait for 1 INDEX pulse.
302E            JR   #3032,REST_1

3030 REST       LD   B,4                 Wait for 4 INDEX pulses.
3032 REST_1     PUSH BC
3033            LD   DE,1                Signal 'track 0, sector 1'.
3036            CALL #30B3,SET_DRVSD     Set drive, side and density.
3039            LD   C,%11010000         Terminate all operations.
303B            CALL #3088,LD_COM_R1     Execute the FDC command.
303E            LD   B,0                 Wait about 1 msec.
3040 REST_2     DJNZ #3040,REST_2
3042            JR   #304F,REST_HEAD1    Jump into the 'reset head' routine.

The following code resets the drive head to track 0.

3044 REST_HEAD  LD   C,%01111000         Step-out, update track register,
                                         disable spin-up sequence, no verify,
                                         step rate 6 msec.
3046            CALL #3085,LD_COM_REG    Execute the command.
3049            CALL #3067,FDC_READY     Wait until the FDC is ready.
304C            CALL #2FE6,STEP_DELAY    Wait for (STPRAT) msec before
304F REST_HEAD1 IN   A,(27)              Fetch the FDC status register.
3051            BIT  2,A
3053            JR   Z,#3044,REST_HEAD   Repeat until head is above track 0.
3055            POP  BC

The routine now checks whether there is a disk in the drive. This works correct only
with 5¼" drives, with 3½" the routine stays in the loop at #305F forever when there is
no disk in the drive. A solution would be to exit the loops whenever the FDC isn't busy
anymore and discard the time limit.

3056 REST_DISK  LD   HL,8192             The INDEX signal has to become low
                                         within about 0.13 sec.
3059 REST_DISK1 IN   A,(27)              Fetch FDC status.
305B            BIT  1,A
305D            JR   NZ,#307D,REST_DISK3 Jump if INDEX signal is high.
305F REST_DISK2 IN   A,(27)              Otherwise fetch the FDC status again.
3061            BIT  1,A
3063            JR   Z,#305F,REST_DISK2  Repeat until it gets high again.
3065            DJNZ #3056,REST_DISK     Repeat for B times. Exit via
                                         'FDC_READY' below when B gets to zero.

This small subroutine waits until the FDC is ready. When the BREAK key is pressed
during the waiting, an error is reported.

3067 FDC_READY  IN   A,(27)              Fetch the FDC status.
3069            BIT  0,A
306B            RET  Z                   Exit if it's indicating 'FDC ready'.

Now the BREAK key is tested.

306C            LD   A,#7F
306E            IN   A,(254)
3070            RRA
3071            JR   C,#3067,FDC_READY   Jump if the SPACE key isn't pressed.
3073            LD   A,#FE
3075            IN   A,(254)
3077            RRA
3078            JR   C,#3067,FDC_READY   Jump if CAPS isn't pressed also.
307A            JP   #2926,REP_3         Otherwise 'BREAK requested'.


307D REST_DISK3 DEC  HL                  Decrease time limit.
307E            LD   A,H
307F            OR   L
3080            JR   NZ,#3059,REST_DISK1 Continue if limit isn't exceeded.
3082            JP   #292C,REP_6         Otherwise 'NO DISC in drive'.

This subroutine loads the FDC command register with the command held in the Z80's C
register. The entry point 'LD_COM_R1' is used to give the 'terminate all operations'
command to the FDC, it makes no sense to wait for the FDC to get ready if the current
command is to be aborted.

3085 LD_COM_REG CALL #3067,FDC_READY     Wait until FDC is ready, test BREAK.
3088 LD_COM_R1  LD   A,C                 Load the command in the FDC's command
3089            OUT  (27),A              register.
308B            LD   B,30                This value is for a 110 msec wait.
308D            LD   A,(#1DDA)           Fetch current control port state.
3090            AND  #04                 Keep only density select bit.
3092            JR   NZ,#3096,LD_COM_R2  Jump with Single Density.
3094            LD   B,15                Otherwise a 54 msec wait is taken.
3096 LD_COM_R2  DJNZ #3096,LD_COM_R2     Waste some time.
3098            RET                      Finished.

This subroutine checks if the specified drive is defined (only if it's number isn't 1,
then it is accepted right away). The entry point at #3099 is used when the drive is
specified in UFIA1. The entry point at #309C is used whenever the drive is specified
in the A register. On exit (IX+11) holds the hardware representation of the drive to
be used.

3099 TEST_DRV   LD   A,(#1E01)           Fetch drive number from UFIA1.
309C TEST_DRV1  CP   1
309E            JR   Z,#30AF,TEST_DRV2   Jump if drive one is to be used.
30A0            CP   2                   Otherwise give 'Wrong DRIVE' error if
30A2            JP   NZ,#294C,REP_22     drive isn't drive two.
30A5            LD   A,(#029A)           Fetch (TRAKS2) system variable.
30A8            CP   0
30AA            JP   Z,#294C,REP_22      Give error if drive isn't defined.
30AD            LD   A,0                 Zero is hardware representation of
                                         drive two.
30AF TEST_DRV2  LD   (IX+11),A           Store hardware representation.
30B2            RET                      Finished.

This subroutine selects the drive, side and density by setting the right bits in the
control port (I/O address 31).

30B3 SET_DRVSD  LD   B,(IX+11)           Fetch hardware drive representation.
30B6            LD   A,(#1DDA)           Fetch current control port status.
30B9            AND  %00000001           Keep only drive 1/2 select bit.
30BB            CP   B                   Set Zero flag if drive isn't changed.
30BC            PUSH AF
30BD            LD   A,(#1DDA)           Fetch current control port status
30C0            AND  %11111100           again. Mask drive and side select bits.
30C2            LD   C,A                 Store result temporary.
30C3            LD   A,D                 Fetch track.
30C4            RLCA                     Rotate side select bit to bit 1.
30C5            RLCA
30C6            AND  %00000010           Only keep side select.
30C8            OR   B                   Include drive select.
30C9            OR   C                   Include all other bits.
30CA            LD   (#1DDA),A           Set current control port status.
30CD            OUT  (31),A              Activate settings.
30CF            POP  AF                  Get Zero flag.
30D0            RET  Z                   Exit if drive hasn't changed.
30D1            LD   A,30                Otherwise wait for 30 msec.
30D3            JP   #2FEB,WAIT_1MSEC    Exit via 'WAIT_1MSEC'.

This subroutine calculates the program number from track and sector number and the
contents of RPT-high (which holds 0 for odd program numbers and 1 for even ones (double
density only)). It is used to get the program number printed in the extended CATalogue.

30D6 PROG_NUM   PUSH DE                  Track and sector to BC.
30D7            POP  BC
30D8            XOR  A                   Clear A.
30D9            DEC  B
30DA            JP   M,#30E3,PROG_NUM2   Jump with track 0, B now holds -1.
30DD PROG_NUM1  ADD  A,10                Otherwise set A to 10*track number.
30DF            DEC  B
30E0            JP   P,#30DD,PROG_NUM1   Repeat until B gets below zero.
30E3 PROG_NUM2  LD   B,A
30E4            LD   A,(#1DDA)           Fetch current control port status.
30E7            AND  #04
30E9            JR   NZ,#30F0,PROG_NUM3  Jump if using single density.
30EB            SLA  B                   Otherwise double number of tens.
30ED            SLA  C                   Together with the next instruction the
                                         effect is 'INC C'.
30EF            DEC  C
30F0 PROG_NUM3  LD   A,(IX+14)           Fetch high byte of RPT.
30F3            ADD  A,C                 Add adjusted sector.
30F4            ADD  A,B                 Add adjusted track.
30F5            RET                      Exit with A holding the program number.

This subroutine returns with the Zero flag set if RPT has reached the sector end, that
is if RPT points to the next track and sector numbers present in each sector.

30F6 SECT_END_Z CALL #37D4,RPT_HL1       Get RPT in HL and the disk buffer
30F9            LD   A,C                 position in BC.
30FA            CP   254                 Exit if disk buffer position 254 (or
30FC            RET  NZ                  510) hasn't been reached, Zero reset.
30FD            LD   A,(#1DDA)           Fetch current control port status.
3100            CPL
3101            AND  #04                 Exit if single density is used with
3103            RET  Z                   Zero set.
3104            LD   A,B                 Otherwise position 510 has to be
3105            CP   1                   reached before returning with Zero set.
3107            RET

This subroutine saves the byte in A in the data buffer at the location pointed to by
RPT (the disk buffer pointer). If the buffer is full, an automatic sector save to disk
will take place, RPT will be reset to the start of the buffer and the value will then
be saved.

3108 SBYT       PUSH BC
3109            PUSH DE
310A            PUSH HL
310B            PUSH AF
310C            CALL #30F6,SECT_END_Z    Check if the data buffer is full.
310F            JR   NZ,#311E,SBYT_1     Jump if data buffer not full.
3111            CALL #32DE,MK_ALLOC      Allocate the first free sector.
3114            LD   (HL),D              Store it's track and sector number into
3115            INC  HL                  the last two bytes of the data buffer.
3116            LD   (HL),E
3117            EX   DE,HL
3118            CALL #37FE,GET_SECTOR    Fetch track and sector number of the
                                         current sector into DE, store the next
                                         track and sector number.
311B            CALL #2F04,WSAD          Write the sector to disk.
311E SBYT_1     POP  AF
311F            LD   (HL),A              Store value.
3120            POP  HL
3121            POP  DE
3122            POP  BC
3123            JP   #37DF,INC_RPT       Exit while increasing RPT.

This subroutine loads the byte pointed to by RPT from the data buffer, and returns with
it in A and RPT updated. If the buffer is empty, another sector is read from the disk.
NOTE: If there isn't another sector, so track and sector are both zero, the routine will
try to load one anyway. The result is then that the 'SET_TRKSEC' routine crashes (see
NOTE II before #2FAC).

3126 LBYT       PUSH BC
3127            PUSH DE
3128            PUSH HL
3129            CALL #30F6,SECT_END_Z    Check if the data buffer is empty.
312C            JR   NZ,#3134,LBYT_1     Jump if data buffer not empty.
312E            LD   D,(HL)              Otherwise fetch track and sector number
312F            INC  HL                  of next sector into DE.
3130            LD   E,(HL)
3131            CALL #2F4F,RSAD          Load the next sector.
3134 LBYT_1     LD   A,(HL)              Get a byte.
3135            POP  HL
3136            POP  DE
3137            POP  BC
3138            JP   #37DF,INC_RPT       Exit while increasing RPT.

This very important routine handles the loading of any file from disk. The entry point
is at address #3145. On entry HL holds the load address, while DE holds the number of
bytes to be loaded. The routine first empties the data buffer, which was loaded with
the first sector to obtain the 9 byte file header. When the data buffer is empty the
routine loads all sectors, but the last, into the memory directly. The last sector is
loaded into the data buffer again and then the remaining bytes are loaded from it.

313B LD_BUF     LD   A,(HL)              Fetch a byte from the data buffer.
313C            CALL #37DF,INC_RPT       Increment RPT.
313F            LD   HL,(#1AC8)          Fetch load address.
3142            LD   (HL),A              Load the byte into memory.
3143            INC  HL
3144            DEC  DE
3145 LOAD_FILE  LD   (#1AC8),HL          Store load address into (FILEADDR).
3148            LD   A,D
3149            OR   E
314A            RET  Z                   Exit if no more bytes left.
314B LD_BUF1    CALL #30F6,SECT_END_Z    The data buffer has to be empty before
314E            JR   NZ,#313B,LD_BUF     sectors can be loaded directly into
                                         memory. Jump if data buffer not empty.
3150            LD   (#1AC5),DE          Store the number of bytes left to load
                                         into (BYTESLEFT).
3154            LD   D,(HL)              Fetch next track and sector.
3155            INC  HL
3156            LD   E,(HL)
3157            CALL #31DD,STO_BUFLEN    Store the data buffer length.
315A LD_OP      CALL #31EF,LAST_SEC_C    Check if this sector is the last one.
315D            JP   C,#31D3,LD_LAST     Jump if last sector.
3160            INC  HL                  Balance the Carry flag subtracted in
3161            LD   (#1AC5),HL          Store number of bytes left after this
                                         sector has been loaded.
3164            XOR  A                   Clear retry counter.
3165            LD   (#1DDB),A
3168            CALL #37F7,STORE_SEC     Store track and sector.
316B LD_AGAIN   CALL #2FAC,SET_TRKSEC    Set drive, side, density, sector and
316E            LD   C,%10000000         Read a single sector, enable spin-up,
                                         no settling delay.
3170            CALL #3085,LD_COM_REG    Execute the FDC command.
3173            EXX
3174            PUSH HL                  HL' has to be rescued because the
                                         'main' ROM needs it.
3175            LD   BC,219              I/O address of FDC's data register.
3178            LD   DE,2                DE' holds the length of the next sector
                                         address in each sector.
317B            CALL #37C3,HL_BUFFER     HL' points to the data buffer.
317E            EXX
317F            LD   BC,219              I/O address of FDC's data register.
3182            LD   DE,(#1ACA)          DE holds length of data buffer. DE +
                                         DE' hold the length of a sector.
3186            LD   HL,(#1AC8)          HL holds the load address.
3189            CALL #2ECE,STORE_IFF     Store interrupt state and disable.
318C            JR   #3196,LD_TST_DRQ    Jump into the load loop.

318E LD_LOOP    INI                      Get a byte from the FDC, increment HL.
3190            DEC  DE                  Decrement byte counter.
3191            LD   A,D
3192            OR   E
3193            JR   NZ,#3196,LD_TST_DRQ Jump if not zero.
3195            EXX                      Otherwise select the other HL and DE.
3196 LD_TST_DRQ IN   A,(27)              Fetch FDC status.
3198            BIT  1,A                 Test Data ReQuest bit.
319A            JR   NZ,#318E,LD_LOOP    Jump if FDC has read a byte.
319C            IN   A,(27)              Otherwise fetch FDC status again.
319E            BIT  1,A
31A0            JR   NZ,#318E,LD_LOOP    Jump if FDC has read a byte.
31A2            IN   A,(27)
31A4            BIT  1,A
31A6            JR   NZ,#318E,LD_LOOP
31A8            IN   A,(27)
31AA            BIT  1,A
31AC            JR   NZ,#318E,LD_LOOP
31AE            BIT  0,A                 Test Busy bit.
31B0            JR   NZ,#3196,LD_TST_DRQ Repeat until FDC is ready.
31B2            EXX                      When the FDC is ready, DE and DE' both
31B3            POP  HL                  are 0, and the 'EXX' at #3195 has been
31B4            EXX                      executed twice, so to restore HL' a
                                         'EXX' has to be executed first.
31B5            CALL #2EDA,REST_IFF      Restore interrupt state.
31B8            AND  %00011100           Mask non error bits of FDC status.
31BA            JR   Z,#31C7,LD_OK       Jump with no errors.
31BC            CALL #37F0,FETCH_SEC     Otherwise fetch track and sector again.
31BF            CALL #2F9F,SEC_ERR1      Check if there was a sector error.
31C2            CALL #2FF8,WRONGTRACK    Check if head is above correct track.
31C5            JR   #316B,LD_AGAIN      Try to load the sector again.

If there are no errors the next sector can be loaded.

31C7 LD_OK      LD   (#1AC8),HL          Store the load address into (FILEADDR).
31CA            CALL #37C3,HL_BUFFER     Make HL point to the data buffer.
31CD            LD   D,(HL)              Fetch the next track and sector number.
31CE            INC  HL
31CF            LD   E,(HL)
31D0            JP   #315A,LD_OP         Load the next sector.

The last sector is loaded into the data buffer.

31D3 LD_LAST    CALL #2F4F,RSAD          Load the last sector.
31D6            LD   DE,(#1AC5)          Fetch number of bytes left (BYTESLEFT)
31DA            JP   #314B,LD_BUF1       and copy them to 'main' RAM.

This subroutine stores the length of the data buffer into (#1ACA). For double density
this is 510, for single density 254.

31DD STO_BUFLEN LD   BC,510              Length of DD data buffer.
31E0            LD   A,(#1DDA)
31E3            AND  #04
31E5            JR   Z,#31EA,STO_BUF1    Jump if using double density.
31E7            LD   BC,254              Length of SD data buffer.
31EA STO_BUF1   LD   (#1ACA),BC          Store the length into (BUFLEN).
31EE            RET

This subroutine returns with the Carry flag set if the last sector is to be loaded.

31EF LAST_SEC_C LD   HL,(#1AC5)          Fetch the number of bytes left to be
                                         loaded from (BYTESLEFT).
31F2            LD   BC,(#1ACA)          Fetch the data buffer length from
31F6            SCF                      Set the Carry flag, now the Carry flag
                                         will be set after the 'SBC' if HL=BC.
31F7            SBC  HL,BC               Exit with Carry set signalling 'last
31F9            RET                      sector to be loaded'.

This is the opposite of the 'LOAD_FILE' routine above. The entry address is #3204, on
entry HL holds the save address and DE holds the number of bytes to be saved. The
routine first fills up the data buffer, which contains the 9 byte file header already.
The data buffer is saved to disk, after which a sector address table is build for all
but the last sector. All sectors, the addresses of which are contained in the table,
are saved directly from memory. The last sector is saved into the data buffer again
after which the file should be closed.

31FA SA_BUF     LD   (HL),D              Save the byte in the data buffer.
31FB            CALL #37DF,INC_RPT       Increment RPT.
31FE            LD   HL,(#1AC8)          Fetch save address from (FILEADDR).
3201            INC  HL
3202            POP  DE
3203            DEC  DE
3204 HSVBK_2    LD   A,D
3205            OR   E
3206            RET  Z                   Exit if no more bytes to save.
3207            PUSH DE
3208            LD   D,(HL)              Fetch a byte from memory.
3209            LD   (#1AC8),HL          Store save address into (FILEADDR).
320C            CALL #30F6,SECT_END_Z    The data buffer has to be full before
320F            JR   NZ,#31FA,SA_BUF     the sector can be saved. Jump if data
                                         buffer isn't full.
3211            POP  DE                  Fetch number of bytes left to save and
3212            LD   (#1AC5),DE          store it into (BYTESLEFT).
3216            CALL #32DE,MK_ALLOC      Allocate the first free sector.
3219            LD   (HL),D              Store track and sector number into the
321A            INC  HL                  data buffer.
321B            LD   (HL),E
321C            EX   DE,HL
321D            CALL #37FE,GET_SECTOR    Fetch track and sector number of the
                                         current sector in DE, store the next
                                         track and sector number.
3220            CALL #2F04,WSAD          Write the sector to disk.
3223            XOR  A                   Clear sector counter.
3224            LD   (#1DEA),A
3227            CALL #31DD,STO_BUFLEN    Store the data buffer length.
322A            CALL #31EF,LAST_SEC_C    Check if this is the last sector.
322D            JP   C,#32D1,SA_LAST     Jump if it is.
3230            CALL #37C3,HL_BUFFER     HL points to the data buffer.
3233 SA_ALLOC   PUSH HL                  Store data buffer address.
3234            CALL #31EF,LAST_SEC_C    Check if this is the last sector.
3237            PUSH HL                  DE now holds the number of bytes left
3238            POP  DE                  -1.
3239            POP  HL                  Restore data buffer pointer.
323A            JR   C,#3251,SA_OP       Jump if all but last sector allocated.
323C            INC  DE                  Balance the Carry subtracted in
323D            LD   (#1AC5),DE          'LAST_SEC_C' before storing the number
                                         of bytes left into (BYTESLEFT).
3241            CALL #32DE,MK_ALLOC      Allocate a sector.
3244            LD   (HL),D              Store its track and sector number into
3245            INC  HL                  the data buffer.
3246            LD   (HL),E
3247            INC  HL
3248            LD   A,(#1DEA)           Increase sector counter.
324B            INC  A
324C            LD   (#1DEA),A
324F            JR   NZ,#3233,SA_ALLOC   Repeat until all sectors have been
                                         allocated or the sector counter
3251 SA_OP      XOR  A                   Reset retry counter.
3252            LD   (#1DDB),A
3255            CALL #37F0,FETCH_SEC     Fetch the sector to be saved.
3258 SA_AGAIN   CALL #2FAC,SET_TRKSEC    Set drive, side, etc.
325B            LD   C,%10100010         Write a single sector, enable spin-up
                                         sequence, no settling delay, disable
                                         precompensation, normal data mark.
325D            CALL #2EE7,PRECOMP       Enable precompensation when neccesary
                                         and execute the command.
3260            EXX
3261            PUSH HL                  HL' has to be stored because the 'main'
                                         ROM needs it.
3262            CALL #37D4,RPT_HL1       HL' points to the sector address table,
                                         build up in the data buffer.
3265            LD   DE,2                DE' holds the length of the next sector
                                         address in each sector.
3268            LD   BC,219              BC' holds the I/O address of the FDC's
                                         data register.
326B            EXX
326C            LD   HL,(#1AC8)          HL holds the save address.
326F            LD   DE,(#1ACA)          DE holds the length of the data space
                                         inside a sector. DE+DE' hold the length
                                         of a complete sector.
3273            LD   BC,219              BC holds the same as BC'.
3276            CALL #2ECE,STORE_IFF     Store interrupt state and disable.
3279            JR   #3283,SA_TST_DRQ    Jump into the save loop.

327B SA_LOOP    OUTI                     Send a byte to the FDC, increment HL.
327D            DEC  DE                  Decrement byte counter.
327E            LD   A,D
327F            OR   E
3280            JR   NZ,#3283,SA_TST_DRQ Jump if not zero.
3282            EXX                      Otherwise select the other HL and DE.
3283 SA_TST_DRQ IN   A,(27)              Fetch FDC status.
3285            BIT  1,A                 Test Data ReQuest bit.
3287            JR   NZ,#327B,SA_LOOP    Jump if FDC requests a byte.
3289            IN   A,(27)              Otherwise fetch FDC status again.
328B            BIT  1,A
328D            JR   NZ,#327B,SA_LOOP    Jump if FDC requests a byte.
328F            IN   A,(27)
3291            BIT  1,A
3293            JR   NZ,#327B,SA_LOOP
3295            IN   A,(27)
3297            BIT  1,A
3299            JR   NZ,#327B,SA_LOOP
329B            BIT  0,A                 Test Busy bit.
329D            JR   NZ,#3283,SA_TST_DRQ Repeat until FDC is ready.
329F            CALL #2EDA,REST_IFF      Restore interrupt state.
32A2            AND  %00011100           Mask non error bits of FDC status.
32A4            JR   Z,#32B4,SA_OK       Jump with no errors.
32A6            EXX
32A7            POP  HL                  Restore HL'.
32A8            EXX
32A9            CALL #37F0,FETCH_SEC     Fetch track and sector again.
32AC            CALL #2F9F,SEC_ERR1      Check if there was a sector error.
32AF            CALL #2FF8,WRONGTRACK    Check if head is above correct track.
32B2            JR   #3258,SA_AGAIN      Try to save the sector again.

If there are no errors the next sector can be saved, but first its track and sector
number have to be retrieved.

32B4 SA_OK      LD   (#1AC8),HL          Store the save address into (FILEADDR).
32B7            EXX
32B8            DEC  HL                  Fetch track and sector number of next
32B9            LD   E,(HL)              sector.
32BA            DEC  HL
32BB            LD   D,(HL)
32BC            CALL #37DF,INC_RPT       Update RPT.
32BF            CALL #37DF,INC_RPT
32C2            CALL #37F7,STORE_SECT    Store the next sector's track and
                                         sector number.
32C5            POP  HL                  Restore HL'.
32C6            EXX
32C7            LD   A,(#1DEA)           Decrease sector counter.
32CA            DEC  A
32CB            LD   (#1DEA),A           Save the next sector as long as it
32CE            JP   NZ,#3251,SA_OP      isn't the last one.
32D1 SA_LAST    CALL #37E7,RES_RPT       The bytes of the last sector are saved
32D4            LD   DE,(#1AC5)          into the data buffer again. Fetch the
32D8            LD   HL,(#1AC8)          number of bytes left and the save
32DB            JP   #3204,HSVBK_2       address. Then save the bytes into the
                                         data buffer.
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